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Interview questions for healthcare Jobs and answers for Good Pay

Good Answers for Top Interview Questions for Corporate Hospital Jobs

Table of Contents

Tell Me About Yourself - A Good Answer to This Interview Question​

What are Your Weaknesses? Sample Answer

Where Do You See Yourself in 5 Years? Ideal Sample Answer

Why Did You Leave Your Last Job - Good Answer If You Were Fired or Laid Off

Interview questions for ICU Incharge Nurse

  1. What are the reversible causes of Cardiac arrest ?

Reversible cause of Cardiac arrest are 5 H’s and 5 T’s.

The 5 H’s are :

  • Hypovolemia,
  • Hypoxia,
  • Hydrogen ion (Acidosis),
  • Hyperkalemia/Hypokalemia and
  •  Hypothermia

The 5 T’s are :

  • Tension Pneumothorax
  • Tamponade (Cardiac)
  • Toxins
  • Thrombosis (Pulmonary)
  • Thrombosis (Coronary)
  1. What are the main types of Mechanical Ventilation ?

There are two main types of mechanical Ventilation :

  • Non-Invasive Mechanical Ventilation
  • Invasive Mechanical Ventilation
  1. What are the modes of Mechanical Ventilation ?

Non-Invasive Mechanical Ventilation Modes are :

  • NIV Pressure Control
  • NIV Pressure Support

Invasive Mechanical Ventilation Modes are :

  • Volume Control
  • Pressure Control
  • PRVC
  • Pressure Support/CPAP
  • Volume Support
  • SIMV (Volume Control)+Pressure Support
  • SIMV (Pressure Control)+Pressure Support
  • SIMV (PRVC)+Pressure Support
  1. What are the different types of Insulin ?

The different types of Insulin are :

  • Rapid-acting Insulin
  • Short-acting Insulin
  • Intermediate-acting Insulin
  • Long-acting Insulin
  1. What are the main types of Shock ?

The main types of Shock are :

  • Cardiogenic Shock
  • Hypovolemic Shock
  • Anaphylactic Shock
  • Septic Shock
  • Neurogenic Shock
  1. What is the normal pH value ?

The normal pH value is 7.35 – 7.45

  1. What are all the pulse sites in the body ?
  • Temporal artery
  • Facial artery
  • Common Carotid artery
  • Brachial artery
  • Radial artery
  • Femoral artery
  • Popliteal artery
  • Posterior tibial artery
  • Dorsalis Pedis artery

What are the rights of Medication Administration ?

There are 10 rights of Medication Administration

  1. Right patient
  2. Right Medication
  3. Right Dose
  4. Right Route
  5. Right Time
  6. Right Patient Education
  7. Right Documentation
  8. Right to Refuse
  9. Right to Assessment
  10. Right Evaluation

ICU nurse Interview questions​

  1. How long will you insert the suction catheter for suctioning ?

Suction should be applied for no longer than “10 seconds”. applying the suction for longer can cause injury hypoxia and bradycardia.

  1. What is the wall suction pressure setting for adults ?

For adults, the suction vacuum should be set at 80 to 120 mmHG.

  1. What are the high-risk medications list a few with examples ?
  • Anti-infectives
  • Potassium and other Concentrated Electrolytes
  • Insulin
  • Narcotics, Opioids and Sedatives
  • Chemotherapeutic Agents
  • Heparin and other anti-coagulants

A few examples of high risk medications are :

  • Insulin
  • Potassium Chloride
  • 3% Sodium Chloride
  • Morphine
  • Heparin
  • Gentamicin
  • Methotrexate
  • Fentanyl
  • Lithium
  • Carbamazepine
  • Digoxin
  • Dopamine
  • Dobutamine
  • 25% Dextrose
  • Adrenaline
  • Midazolam
  1. What is the most effective way to prevent infection in hospitals ?

Proper hand-washing is the most effective way to prevent the spread of infections in hospitals.

  1. Pain scale is also called as ?

Pain scale is also called as Visual Analog Scale.

  1. Which is the non-invasive method of oxygen (O2) saturation monitoring ?

Pulse oximetry is the non-invasive method of oxygen saturation monitoring.

  1. What is the complication resulting from rapid IV infusion ?

Fluid overload is the complication resulting from rapid IV infusion.

  1. What is the normal value of Serum Potassium ?

Normal value of serum potassium is 3.5 to 5.0 (mEq/L) Milliequivalents per liter.

ICU Staff Nurse Interview questions

List a few emergency drugs used in ICU ?

  • Injection Adrenaline
  • Injection Atropine
  • Injection Nor-Adrenaline
  • Injection Calcium Gluconate
  • Injection Soda Bicarbonate
  • Injection Amiodarone
  • Injection 25% Dextrose
  • Injection Nitroglycerine
  • Injection Succinylcholine
  • Injection Dopamine
  • Injection Dobutamine
  • Injection Lasix
  • Injection Adenosine
  • Injection Lidacaine
  • Injection Hydrocortisone
  • Injection Vasopressin
  • Injection Midazolam
  • Injection Naloxone

What does AMBU stand for ?

Artificial Manual Breathing unit OR Air Mask Bag Unit

What is PPE ? Give examples.

PPE stands for “Personal Protective Equipment”

Eg: Gloves, Head Cap, Gown, Goggles, Shoe Covers, Face Mask, apron, etc

What is the normal value of Serum Sodium ?

Normal value of serum sodium is 135 – 145 mEq/L (milliequivalents per liter).

Blood-stained dressing material should be discarded in which color bin ?

Blood-stained dressing materials should be discarded in yellow color bin.

How often should a peripheral IV cannula be changed ?

  1. 12-24 hours
  2. 24-48 hours
  3. 72-96 hours
  4. 5-7 days

Answer : C. 72-96 hours

According to CDC Centers for Disease Control and Prevention there is no need to replace peripheral catheters more frequently than every 72 to 96 hours to reduce risk of infection and phlebitis in adults.

What are the types of restraints used in ICU ?

ICU there are two types of restraints used in ICU :

  1. Physical Restraints

Eg : Wrist Restraints

  1. Chemical Restraints

Eg : Benzodiazepines and Antipsychotics

What are the drugs used for the immediate management of Seizures ?

  • Injection Midazolam
  • Injection Diazepam

Mention any two drugs used for the immediate management of Accelerated Hypertension 

  • Injection Nitroglycerine
  • Injection Labetalol

The presence of blood in Urine is called as ?


ICU Nurse interview questions​

Name few Blood Products

  • PRBC – Packed Red Blood Cell
  • Whole Blood
  • FFP – Fresh Frozen Plasma
  • PRP – Platelet Rich Plasma
  • RDP – Random Donor Platelets
  • SDP – Single Donor Platelets
  • Cryoprecipitate
  • Albumin

What is the highest and lowest Glasgow Coma Scale Score ?

  • Lowest GCS score is – 3
  • Highest GCS score is – 15

What are the Components of Glasgow Coma Scale ?

  • Eye Response
  • Verbal Response
  • Motor Response

What is the normal value of Serum Creatinine ?

  • Adult males – 0.6 – 1.2 mg/dL
  • Adult females – 0.5 – 1.1 mg/dL

FAST HUG BID stands for 

  •  F – Feeding
  • A- Analgesia
  • S – Sedation
  • T- Thromboembolic Prophylaxis
  • H – Head end elevation
  • U – Ulcer Prophylaxis
  • G – Glycemic Control
  • B – Bowel and Bladder Care
  • I – Indwelling Catheter removal
  • D – De – escalation of antibiotics

What are the shockable and non-shockable rhythms ?

Shockable rhythms are :

  • Ventricular Fibrillation (VF)
  • Pulseless Ventricular Tachycardia (Pulseless VT)

Non-shockable rhythms

  • Asystole
  • Pulseless Electrical Activity

What are the equipment and preparation needed for Intubation and Mechanical Ventilation ?

  • Gloves
  • Premedication
  • AMBU
  • Bain Circuit
  • Oxygen
  • Mask
  • Suction Apparatus
  • Vacuum Suction set
  • Suction catheter
  • Laryngoscope and blades
  • Endotracheal tube
  • 2% Xylocaine for lubrication
  • Stylet
  • Bougie
  • Troch
  • Syringe (Empty)
  • T tie / E.T Tape
  • Cuff Manometer
  • Stethoscope
  • Mechanical Ventilator
  • Ventilator tubings
  • Catheter mount
  • HME Filter
  • Capnometer
  • Guedel airway / Nasopharyngeal airway
  • Ryles tube
  • X-ray machine portable (for confirming E.T & Ryles tube Placement)
  • LMA in case of difficult intubation

Mention some Inotropes :

  • Adrenaline
  • Nor-adrenaline
  • Dopamine
  • Dobutamine
  • Digoxin

Name a few anticoagulants 

  • Warfarin
  • Heparin
  • Enoxaparin
  • Fondaparinux

What are the normal values of Arterial Blood Gases (ABG) ?

  • pH : 7.35 – 7.45
  • pCO2 : 35-45 mmHg
  • pO2 : 80-100 mmHg
  • HCO3 : 22-26 mmol/L
  • Oxygen Saturation : >95%

How to prevent Needle Stick Injury ?

Newer recap needles. Always use personal protective equipment like cap, mask, gloves, gown, etc. Get yourself a Hepatitis B vaccination. Ask your employer to evaluate and purchase safer devices. Be sure that you receive training in a new devices. If there is a safer and new alternative avoid using needles. Plan for safe handling and safe disposal before starting the procedure of using them. Like taking all the equipment in a tray on the procedure area and having a sharpes disposal container to the procedure area

Explain the procedure to the patients to gain their co-operation and avoid potential movements in the procedure which can cause the needle stick injury. Ask for assistance if the patients is uncooperative and is moving during the procedure such as a child to avoid the potential problem of needle stick injury. Avoid interactions during the procedure. Please keep disposal container near to the procedure area so that you can dispose the needles immediately after the procedure. Immediately after the procedure dispose the needle in sharps disposal container. The PPC (Puncture Proof Container). Avoid overfilling of PPC. Report all needle sticks are sharps related injuries promptly should care by the management. Inform your infection control nurse about any practices in the ICU which can be a risk leading to needle stick injury. Try to learn safer practices by participating in training related to Infection Prevention.

APGAR stands for ?

A – Appearance (Skin color)

P – Pulse (Heart rate)

G – Grimace response (reflexes)

A – Activity (muscle tone)

R – Respiration (breathing rate and efforts)

What is the full form of LBBB ?

Left Bundle Branch Block

Staff Nurse interview questions

  1. What are the reversible causes of Cardiac arrest ?

Reversible cause of Cardiac arrest are 5 H’s and 5 T’s.

The 5 H’s are :

  1. Hypovolemia,
  2. Hypoxia,
  3. Hydrogen ion (Acidosis),
  4. Hyperkalemia/Hypokalemia and

The 5 T’s are :

  1. Tension Pneumothorax
  2. Tamponade (Cardiac)
  3. Toxins
  4. Thrombosis (Pulmonary)
  5. Thrombosis (Coronary)
  1. What are the main types of Mechanical Ventilation ?

There are two main types of mechanical Ventilation :

  1. Non-Invasive Mechanical Ventilation
  2. Invasive Mechanical Ventilation
  1. What are the modes of Mechanical Ventilation ?

Non-Invasive Mechanical Ventilation Modes are :

  • NIV Pressure Control
  • NIV Pressure Support

Invasive Mechanical Ventilation Modes are :

  • Volume Control
  • Pressure Control
  • PRVC
  • Pressure Support/CPAP
  • Volume Support
  • SIMV (Volume Control)+Pressure Support
  • SIMV (Pressure Control)+Pressure Support
  • SIMV (PRVC)+Pressure Support
  1. What are the different types of Insulin ?

The different types of Insulin are :

  • Rapid-acting Insulin
  • Short-acting Insulin
  • Intermediate-acting Insulin
  • Long-acting Insulin
  1. What are the main types of Shock ?

The main types of Shock are :

  1. Cardiogenic Shock
  2. Hypovolemic Shock
  3. Anaphylactic Shock
  4. Septic Shock
  5. Neurogenic Shock
  1. What is the normal pH value ?

The normal pH value is 7.35 – 7.45

  1. What are all the pulse sites in the body ?

Temporal artery

Facial artery

Common Carotid artery

Brachial artery

Radial artery

Femoral artery

Popliteal artery

Posterior tibial artery

Dorsalis Pedis artery

  1. What are the rights of Medication Administration ?

There are 10 rights of Medication Administration

  1. Right patient
  2. Right Medication
  3. Right Dose
  4. Right Route
  5. Right Time
  6. Right Patient Education
  7. Right Documentation
  8. Right to Refuse
  9. Right to Assessment
  10. Right Evaluation

Metric table / Abbreviations / Units of measurement for nurses

Units of Measurement Abbreviations

gm / g = Gram

mg = milligram

mcg = Microgram

l = Litre

ml = millilitre

cc = cubic centimetre

tsp = Teaspoon

tbsp = Tablespoon

oz = Ounce

Kg = Kilogram

Lbs = Pound

1mg = 1000 mcg

1 gm (g) = 1000 mg

1 L = 1000 ml

1 mL = 1 cc

5 mL = 1 Tsp

3 Tsp = 1 Tbsp

15mL = 1 Tbsp

30 mL = 1 oz

1 oz = 2 tbsp

8 oz = 1 cup

1 kg = 1000 gm (g)

1kg = 2.2 lbs

BLS ACLS questions and answers​

  • What are the shockable rhythms ?
  1. Pulseless Ventricular Tachycardia (VT)
  2. Ventricular Fibrillation (VF)
  • What are the non shockable rhythms ?
  1. Asystole
  2. Pulseless Electrical Activity (PEA)
  • How much should be the depth of chest compressions during CPR ?
  1. About inches for adults
  2. About 1.5 inches for children
  • Which Pulse are we supposed to check during CPR ?
  1. Carotid pulse in Adult and Children
  2. Brachial pulse in Infants
  • What is CAB’s of CPR ?

C – Circulation

A – Airway

B – Breathing

  • What is the Compression to Ventilation ratio in CPR ?
  1. 30:2 for adults
  2. 15:2 for Children and Infants
  • What are the points to remember while giving CPR to an infant ?
  1. Cover both his nose and mouth with your mouth
  2. Blow air from your cheeks NOT from your lungs
  3. Allow the infant to exhale on his own
  • Adult’s and Children’s responsiveness is checked by :

Shaking the patients and shouting

  • What is the preferred way to check the breathing ?

Listen and feel for the air coming from the person nose or mouth and look at the chest to see if it rises.(Chest rise)

  • Infant CPR is given to any child under the age of :

= 12 Mouths

  • When the heart stops; brain death will occur within ?

8 to 10 minutes

  • Which position is called the recovery position ?

Lateral Recumbent Position

  • How do you know the patient is receiving adequate breaths during CPR ?

The patient chest rises

  • How much should be the rate of chest compression during CPR ?

100 to 120 Compressions per minute

  • Before pressing the shock button in case of shockable rhythm; what are you supposed to do ?

Shout ‘CLEAR’ and look around to make sure that no one is in contact with the patient or his bed

  • If the patients has the head and neck injury; how would you open the airway to give breaths during CPR ?

Jaw-thrust technique

  • How long would you assess the Carotid Pulse ?

5-10 Seconds

  • the maximum joules that can be selected in a biphasic defibrillator is ?

200 Joules

  • The maximum joules that can be selected in a monophasic defibrillator is ?

360 Joules

  • What is the best position for the patient to be in while you are doing CPR ?

flat on the floor or bed

  • Within how many seconds after recognizing cardiac arrest should you begin CPR ?

10 seconds

  • How many cycles of CPR should be given in two minutes ?

5 Cycles

  • Children’s CPR is given to :

Anyone under the age of 8

  • Infant’s responsiveness is checked by :

Patting Patient’s (Infant’s) feet and shoulders

  • To clear the patient’s airway you should :

Lift Chin up, tilt head back.

  • Which technique is used for bag-mask ventilation during two rescuer CPR ?

E-C Clamp Technique

  • How often should the rescuers switch roles when performing to rescuer CPR ?

Every 2 minutes (After every 5 cycles of CPR)

  • What are the proper steps for operating an Automated External Defibrillator (AED) ?
  1. Power on the AED
  2. Attach Alactrode Pads
  3. Analyze the rhythm
  4. Stand clear
  5. Press “shock”
  • Signs of airway obstruction are :
  1. Inability to speak
  2. High-pitched noise while inhaling
  3. Poor air exchange
  • How often should the breaths be administered to an adult individual with an advanced airway in place during tworescuer CPR ?

One breath every 6 to 8 seconds (8 to 10 breaths per minutes)

  • The interruptions in chest compressions should not be longer than ?

10 seconds

  • Hyperventilation can be harmful because it may :
  1. Decrease Cardiac Output
  2. Decrease Venous return to the heart
  3. Increase intrathoracic pressure

Demonstration of Techniques for nurses

Demonstration of Donning (Putting On) Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
as per CDC​

Donning and Removing PPE | Donning and Doffing PPE: Gown, Gloves, Mask, Respirator, Goggles

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Nutrition & Dietetics

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Books are colorful and original (not spiral binding copies) making them interesting to read.

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